Torque in Hot Rolling Process

25 November 2023

Hot Rolling Torque: How to Calculate It?


As a professional in the field of hot rolling, I am often asked about the calculation of hot rolling torque. In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding and calculating hot rolling torque. I will explain what hot rolling torque is, why it is important, and how to calculate it accurately. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of hot rolling torque! Join Meta TechX Engineers

What is Hot Rolling Torque?

Hot rolling torque is a term used in the manufacturing industry to describe the twisting force applied to a metal during the hot rolling process. Hot rolling is a process that involves passing a metal through a pair of rollers to reduce its diameter or change its cross-sectional shape. The amount of torque required during hot rolling is influenced by various factors including the material properties, roller dimensions, and temperature.

Why is Hot Rolling Torque Important?

Understanding and accurately calculating hot rolling torque is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps optimize the rolling process by ensuring that the correct amount of force is applied to the metal. This is essential for achieving the desired shape and dimensions of the final product. Additionally, accurate torque calculations can prevent damage to the rollers and the metal, ensuring a smooth and efficient rolling operation. Meta Blogs- Study Steel with Meta TechX

How to Calculate Hot Rolling Torque:

Calculating hot rolling torque involves considering several variables. Here is the step-by-step process to determine the required torque:

Step 1: Determine the Material Properties

The first step in calculating hot rolling torque is to gather information about the material being rolled. This includes properties such as the yield strength, tensile strength, and Young’s modulus. These properties can usually be obtained from material data sheets or through testing.

Step 2: Measure the Roller Dimensions

Next, you need to measure the dimensions of the rollers that will be used for hot rolling. This includes the diameter of the rollers and the distance between them. These measurements are crucial for accurate torque calculations.

Step 3: Account for Friction

Friction between the metal and the rollers plays a significant role in hot rolling torque. It creates resistance that must be overcome during the rolling process. The friction coefficient is typically determined experimentally or estimated based on the type of material being rolled.

Step 4: Apply the Torque Calculation Formula

Now that you have gathered all the necessary information, you can use the hot rolling torque formula to calculate the required torque. The formula is as follows:

Torque = (Force * Contact Length) / 2
(Torque per roll)

Torque = (0.5 * Force * Contact Length)


  • Torque is the twisting force applied to the metal (in units of force multiplied by distance, such as Nm or lb-ft).
  • Force is the force required to roll the metal (in units of force, such as N or lb).
  • Rolling Diameter is the diameter of the rollers (in units of distance, such as mm or inches).
    Remember to take into account the frictional force when calculating the force required for rolling.


In conclusion, hot rolling torque is a critical factor in the hot rolling process. By understanding and accurately calculating hot rolling torque, manufacturers can optimize the rolling operation, ensure the quality of the final product, and prevent equipment damage. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, you can calculate hot rolling torque with confidence and achieve successful rolling operations. So, the next time you embark on a hot rolling project, make sure to calculate the torque accurately and reap the benefits of a precise and efficient process. Happy rolling!

Torque Calculator

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